Fiscal Year:
Primary Budget:
Comparison Budget:

   appropriated  to  the  Department of Military Affairs in section 247 and
   Specific  Appropriation  3056  of chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, for
   the   Joint   Enlistment   Enhancement   Program  shall  revert  and  is
   appropriated  in  Fiscal  Year  2025-2026  to the Department of Military
   Affairs for the same purpose.

   SECTION 160. The nonrecurring sum of $2,000,000 from the General Revenue
   Fund  is  appropriated  to  the Department of Military Affairs in Fiscal
   Year  2024-2025  for  the  Florida  National  Guard  Tuition  Assistance
   Program.  Any  unexpended  balance  of funds remaining on June 30, 2025,
   shall  revert  and  is  appropriated  in  Fiscal  Year  2025-2026 to the
   Department  of  Military  Affairs  for the same purpose. This section is
   effective upon becoming law.

   SECTION 161. The  nonrecurring  sum  of  $18,000,000  from  the  General
   Revenue  Fund  is  appropriated to the Department of Military Affairs in
   Fiscal  Year  2024-2025  as  state  match  for the Gainesville Readiness
   Center  fixed  capital  outlay  project.  This section is effective upon
   becoming law.

   SECTION 162. The  nonrecurring  sum  of  $19,825,477  from  the  General
   Revenue  Fund  is  appropriated to the Department of Military Affairs in
   Fiscal  Year  2024-2025 to complete the Immokalee Readiness Center fixed
   capital outlay project. This section is effective upon becoming law.

   SECTION 163. The  nonrecurring  sum  of  $22,138,270  from  the  General
   Revenue  Fund  is  appropriated to the Department of Military Affairs in
   Fiscal Year 2024-2025 to complete the Zephyrhills Readiness Center fixed
   capital outlay project. This section is effective upon becoming law.

   SECTION 164. The   unexpended   balance   of   General   Revenue   Funds
   appropriated  to  the  Florida  State  Guard  in  section 244 of chapter
   2024-231, Laws of Florida, in the Florida State Guard - State Activation
   appropriation  category  shall revert and is appropriated in Fiscal Year
   2025-2026 to the Florida State Guard for the same purpose.

   SECTION 165. The  nonrecurring sum of $41,821,421 from the Clerks of the
   Court  Trust Fund is appropriated to the Department of Revenue in Fiscal
   Year 2024-2025 for statutorily authorized distributions to the Clerks of
   Court  pursuant  to  section  28.36,  Florida  Statutes. This section is
   effective upon becoming a law.

   SECTION 166. The nonrecurring sum of $4,726,770 from the General Revenue
   Fund  is  appropriated  to  the  Department  of  Revenue  in Fiscal Year
   2024-2025  for  the  purpose  of  mitigating  deficits  in  the Fiscally
   Constrained  Counties  distributions as determined by the August 7, 2024
   Revenue  Estimating  Conference. This section is effective upon becoming

   SECTION 167. The  unexpended  balance of nonrecurring funds appropriated
   to the Department of Revenue in Specific Appropriations 3161 and 3165 of
   chapter  2024-231,  Laws  of  Florida,  to  implement  the Child Support
   Automated  Management  System (CAMS) upgrade to SAP S/4 shall revert and
   is  appropriated  in  Fiscal Year 2025-2026 to the Department of Revenue
   for the same purpose.

   SECTION 168. The  unexpended  balance  of  nonrecurring  General Revenue
   Funds   appropriated   to   the   Department   of  Revenue  in  Specific
   Appropriation  3173  of  chapter  2024-231,  Laws  of  Florida,  for the
   implementation of the Electronic File and Pay System shall revert and is
   appropriated  in  Fiscal Year 2025-2026 to the Department of Revenue for
   the same purpose.

   SECTION 169. The   unexpended   balance   of   General   Revenue   funds
   appropriated  to  the Executive Office of the Governor in section 279 of
   Chapter   2024-231,   Laws   of  Florida,  to  convert  the  Legislative
   Appropriations   System/Planning   and   Budgeting  Subsystem  mainframe
   application  to  a new environment, shall revert and is appropriated for
   Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION 170. The   unexpended   balance   of   General   Revenue   funds
   appropriated  to  the Executive Office of the Governor in section 278 of
   Chapter  2024-231,  Laws of Florida, for the implementation of a federal
   aid  tracking  system,  shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year
   2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION 171. There  is  hereby appropriated $20,562,630 in recurring and
   $484,467,609  in  nonrecurring  General  Revenue  Funds to the Executive
   Office  of  the  Governor,  Division  of  Emergency  Management, and the