Fiscal Year:
Primary Budget:
Comparison Budget:


   SECTION 182. The   unexpended   balance   of   General   Revenue   funds
   appropriated  to  the  Executive  Office  of  the  Governor, Division of
   Emergency   Management   in  Specific  Appropriation  2693A  of  chapter
   2024-231,  Laws  of  Florida,  for  Technology Infrastructure at the new
   State  Emergency  Operations Center, shall revert and is appropriated to
   the division for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION 183. The   unexpended   balance   of   General   Revenue   funds
   appropriated  to the Department of Commerce for the Non-Custodial Parent
   Program  in  Specific  Appropriation  2306  of chapter 2024-231, Laws of
   Florida,  shall  revert  and  are appropriated to the agencies in Fiscal
   Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION 184. The  recurring  sum  of $3,000,000 from the General Revenue
   Fund  is  appropriated  to  the  Department  of Commerce for Fiscal Year
   2024-2025  for  the  Law  Enforcement  Recruitment  Bonus  Program. This
   section is effective upon becoming a law.

   SECTION 185. The  nonrecurring  sum  of  $4,200,000  in  the  Employment
   Security  Administration Trust Fund is appropriated to the Department of
   Commerce  for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 for Reemployment Assistance salaries
   and benefits. This section is effective upon becoming a law.

   SECTION 186. The  unexpended  balance  in  the Federal Grants Trust Fund
   appropriated  to the Department of Commerce for Community Services Block
   Grant  programs  in Specific Appropriation 2333 and sections 215 and 220
   of  chapter  2024-231, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated
   to the department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION 187. The  unexpended  balance  in  the Federal Grants Trust Fund
   appropriated  to  the  Department  of Commerce for Community Development
   Block  Grant-Small  Cities  programs  in Specific Appropriation 2334 and
   section  211  of  chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is
   appropriated  to  the  department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same

   SECTION 188. The  unexpended  balance  in  the Federal Grants Trust Fund
   appropriated  to  the  Department  of Commerce for the Broadband Equity,
   Access,  and  Deployment  Program  in  Specific Appropriation 2334A, and
   section  208  of  chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is
   appropriated  to  the  department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same

   SECTION 189. The  unexpended  balance  in  the Federal Grants Trust Fund
   appropriated  to  the  Department  of  Commerce for digital equity grant
   programs  in  section  214  of  chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, shall
   revert  and  is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026
   for the same purpose.

   SECTION 190. The  unexpended  balance  in  the Federal Grants Trust Fund
   appropriated  to  the Department of Commerce for the Revolving Loan Fund
   Program  in  section  212  of  chapter  2024-231, Laws of Florida, shall
   revert  and  is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026
   for the same purpose.

   SECTION 191. The  unexpended  balance  in  the Federal Grants Trust Fund
   appropriated to the Department of Commerce for the Community Development
   Block  Grant - Disaster Recovery Program in Specific Appropriation 2340,
   section  210  of chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, and budget amendment
   EOG#2024-0293,  shall  revert  and is appropriated to the department for
   Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION 192. The  unexpended  balance  in  the Federal Grants Trust Fund
   appropriated  to the Department of Commerce for the American Rescue Plan
   Act's Homeowner Assistance Fund in section 206 of chapter 2024-231, Laws
   of  Florida,  shall  revert  and  is  appropriated to the department for
   Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION 193. The unexpended balance of funds in the Federal Grants Trust
   Fund appropriated to the Department of Commerce for the Capital Projects
   Fund  Program in section 207 of chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, shall
   revert  and  is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026
   for the same purpose.

   SECTION 194. The  unexpended  balance  in  the Federal Grants Trust Fund
   appropriated  to the Department of Commerce for the State Small Business
   Credit Initiative (SSBCI) Program and SSBCI Technical Assistance Program